
Due to the postal strike, past due tax reminder letters will not be distributed. If you think you have an outstanding balance, please contact the office by phone 705-636-7752 or by email to

Any outstanding balances that do not get paid will be added to the next billing.

Interim Billing is Issued in February

1st Installment due March 27th 
2nd Installment due May 27th

Final Billing is Issued in July

1st Installment due August 27th
2nd Installment due October 27th

As of September 1, 2022, a late payment penalty of 1.25% will be applied to all tax arrears on the 1st of the month. (*Failure to receive your Tax Notice does not relieve you from incurring penalty charges for late payment, as it is your responsibility to ensure taxes are paid on time*.)

To avoid accumulating late charges, please ensure your payment is received at the office by the installment due date. If you are paying by internet banking, please allow 3-5 days prior to the due date for the bank to process your payment. Interest begins accumulating on the first day after a missed installment payment.

Methods for Paying your Tax Notice

  • In person using debit, credit, cash or cheque at the Municipal Office (credit card payments are subject to a 2% surcharge)
  • Online payment through your financial institution 
  • Mail in a cheque
  • Credit card payment over the phone (subject to a 2% surcharge )

    Tax Certificates

    In order to obtain a tax certificate, the fee of $56.50 (inclusive of HST) must be received at our office prior to releasing the certificate. Payments can be made over the phone by credit card (subject to a 2% surcharge ), mail in a cheque, or e-transfer to (Must include in the memo the owner's name, property address and description of what the e-transfer is for).