For over 100 years, Kearney Seniors have been an active and proactive group in Kearney, the Biggest Little Town in Ontario. All seniors, and seniors-in-waiting, are welcome to come on out, see who we are, share in the camaraderie, find out what is available for seniors, government programs, Seniors helping Seniors, how you can be involved.
In 1955, the Seniors formed a Club who met regularly at the old Community Centre (1905-1989), site of the 1st Orange Hall on Main Street, directly behind the United Church.
In 1968, “The Seniors” group, was established as an Elderly Persons Centre, which then provided a notable degree of official status to this very vibrant group.
In 1989, the Kearney Seniors was granted a Seniors lounge in the new Kearney Community Centre.
In 1990, the Elderly Persons Act provided for the Town of Kearney to establish an Elderly persons Centre and operate as an official entity under the care of the municipality. A clear benefit to this arrangement was that the Kearney Seniors were awarded financial support from both the Ontario Government and the Town of Kearney, to establish and operate the new “Seniors Lounge”
For many years, the Kearney Seniors were members of the United Seniors Citizens of Ontario (USCO) and continue to receive the USCO’s publication, The VOICE.
In 2022-24, through another grant from the Province the Kearney Senior Citizens Club Lounge facilities were upgraded once again.
Membership fluctuates on average 60-75 members plus guests. Everyone is encouraged to bring a friend or two, to our meetings, our activities, our socials, our programs.
Who Can Join
Anyone 55 and older. If transportation is a problem, let us know.
Fee - $10/year, due in March
Meetings and Activities Location
Kearney Senior Citizens (lovely) Club Lounge at the Kearney Community Centre, 8 Main St., in Kearney.
- Monthly Meetings – last Thursday of the month @ 1:30PM. Coffee/snacks provided, guest speakers on topical subjects, educational presentations, enjoyable social gathering.
- Gentle Exercise programs
- Social activities e.g. Cards, sewing and art classes, bus trips, dinners.
- Fund raisers, e.g. Catering for town/community events, raffles, penny sales
Contact Information
- Town Office – 705-636-7752
- Club Secretary
- Club contact person.
Please visit our Facebook page for the latest information!